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Meredith Connelly

Certified Consultant

(604) 703-6630

My Story

My SCENTSY story starts like many others, going to a couple parties over a couple years and buying a couple items that I used sparingly as I considered them  luxury items in my life, a once in awhile treat. That is until I met my dear friend Michelle, she re-introduced me to SCENTSY and made me realize this is a luxury that I can have in my life and enjoy everyday. Her family and herself are avid SCENTSY users and she shared her love for SCENTSY with me. This is when SCENTSY exploded into my life. My SCENTSY story then started to take on a whole different story, a story fueled by passion, a story about change, everyday my SCENTSY story is evolving and I look forward to continue to write my SCENTSY story one chapter at a time. Right now my story has two theme songs Reba McEntire - Is there life out there and Dixie Chicks - Not ready to make nice. If you have never heard the Reba song you need to check it out on YouTube with the orginal video. If your a mother you will hopefully appreciate the message that is in the song and feel in your heart what is fueling my drive. The Dixie Chicks song is a whole other story but I just want to paint a picture for you of my story. In life we need to acknowledge the fact that every person wants to be validated. They want to know that you see and hear them, good, bad or even at a person's all time low everyone wants to be validated. Everyone who knows me well knows that it brings me great joy to share gifts of all kinds, spoken words, written, homemade, handmade, grown and even purchased. It brings me joy to know that for that moment in time no matter what is going on in their life I may have brought them a little piece of sunshine. People are my passion  to hear their stories and to help them be validated if even for a moment - JOY. Now I have SCENTSY in my life and it is giving me an outlet to help myself grow while taking time to validate many people around me and their own stories. SCENTSY is giving me the opportunity to merge my love for pinterest, people, sharing and SCENTSY. And it doesn't stop there it also opens the door to give me the means to continue to gain the education about my other passion that many do not know about and that is the field of social/health studies. This education will in turn allow me to give back to Chilliwack as a community and hopefully make a few positive changes along the way. How easy is this just by my love for SCENTSY has flipped a switch in me and I am taking it and running with it. SCENTSY will give me a ton of oportunities if I want them, I can make this business whatever I want it to be. Right now Chapter one in my SCENTSY story is about getting people together to enjoy each others company, get to know each other and along the way share some SCENTSY. I love how easy it is to get free SCENTSY, earn financial credits and half price itmes, and that it actually works. SCENTSY  brings me a mood boost everytime, I have a different smells that bring me a different memory or heartfelt feeling. This is why I stand and say " my name is Meredith and I am a SCENTSY addict." to be continued.... Let the record show that as stated above this whole SCENTSY addiction started with Michelle. So this way when my husband starts to question the amount of SCENTSY in the house I can say " it is Michelle's fault, talk to Michelle." <!--endbody-->